Moto-Profil and ProfiAuto sum up the year 2020

Over 2.1 million clients in workshops in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the introduction of our own brand of car parts and the development of modern online tools. These are some of the key events which the Moto-Profil company and the ProfiAuto brand enjoyed during the last 12 months. – The year 2020 was a time filled with challenges. The summary of strategic activities shows how much we managed to achieve. Despite the difficulties, the aftermarket and workshop industries passed the test with flying colours. We are very optimistic about the future – say the brand representatives.

Over 2.1 million clients in workshops in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the introduction of our own brand of car parts and the development of modern online tools. These are some of the key events which the Moto-Profil company and the ProfiAuto brand enjoyed during the last 12 months. – The year 2020 was a time filled with challenges. The summary of strategic activities shows how much we managed to achieve. Despite the difficulties, the aftermarket and workshop industries passed the test with flying colours. We are very optimistic about the future – say the brand representatives.

Keeping the deliveries

When the coronavirus pandemic broke out natural fears related to maintaining the continuity of delivery chains appeared on the market. Thanks to dynamic actions, it soon turned out that the initial doubts were groundless. The Moto-Profil and ProfiAuto deliveries were undisturbed, with the maintenance of both the lead time and the number of routes. Necessary changes were instantly introduced to the process itself in order to ensure the health and safety of the clients and company representatives.

– We went into the contactless mode of delivery execution. The partners ordered the necessary parts with the online catalogue or by phone, and the drivers delivered them to the indicated places. Our salespersons quickly implemented a remote work system. Later we gradually restored the trade visits to the standard form, with the observance of sanitary requirements. Mask, distance and disinfection became the additional “tools” of every Moto-Profil salesperson – sums up Leszek Żurek, President of Moto-Profil.

New tools and online activities

Thanks to the strong structure, it was possible to dynamically respond to the changeable reality and look for solutions that would work out during the pandemic. In many cases the company reaped the fruit of regular work on the modernisation of software and IT infrastructure. In 2020, the flagship project on the Polish market proved to be the ProfiAuto application with the ProfiAuto Pay online payment module which, when combined with “door-to-door” promotion, enabled the clients to have their car repaired in a contactless mode. This is the first solution of this type in Poland. The application was well received by the drivers and met with great media interest. The online project of “Virtual Workshop” was also developed, combining a presentation of a model workshop with an increase in mechanics’ competences via the Internet.

– As a network we did everything to ensure that the representatives of partner warehouses and shops and workshop owners received new tools, allowing them to repair cars and develop without interruptions, which is absolutely key in this industry. These solutions include the application, the “Virtual Workshop” project, as well as the development of catalogue software, webinars and online training sessions. Some changes had to be sped up, but we are convinced that modern tools will stay with us forever – comments Łukasz Kopiec, member of the Management Board and Head of Marketing of Moto-Profil.

Development of the network in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Despite the pandemic, the network of ProfiAuto shops and warehouses was joined by new partners, and the existing partners opened new points and branches. The network of independent ProfiAuto Service workshops also grew with similar dynamics to those achieved in 2019. When asked about the tendencies, the coordinators point, for example, to a better and better standard and the furnishing of workshops applying to the network and the fast implementation of “door-to-door” services in many workshops, which had previously been reserved mainly for premium brand clients. The network developed dynamically in terms of the number of points and clients not only in Poland, but also in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

– At present, the ProfiAuto Service network in Poland is comprised of more than 1600 service workshops. In the Czech Republic and in Slovakia there are over 420 workshops. In 2020 we were joined by 465 entrepreneurs, including those that moved to us from another network. We estimate that the services of ProfiAuto Service Workshops in Poland were provided to nearly 1.7 million clients this year, and a total of over 2.1 million in all of the three countries – sums up Mariusz Maksym, a coordinator of the ProfiAuto Service network.

Own brand

Despite the turbulences on the market caused by COVID-19, ProfiAuto successfully marketed its own brand of car parts, ProfiPower. The offer currently includes, for example, batteries, filters and braking system elements. As part of the promotion campaign, the ProfiPower Tour training series was conducted in Poland.

– We started with the slogan: “ProfiPower. The Power of Quality.” Soon we were awarded with the prestigious certificate of “Good Brand of 2020 – Quality, Trust, Renown” and joined the greatest brands in Poland which have been distinguished on the basis of consumer research. Our products also met with great interest and recognition in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Thanks to the positive reaction on the market, we are continuing with our work on the next categories of products that we wish to implement in 2021 – says Adam Kapek, Vice President of Moto-Profil.

The relations are key

The representatives of Moto-Profil and ProfiAuto stress that the pandemic reminded them of the importance of “soft” skills. Communication, support, cooperation – all those values proved themselves invaluable in practice and showed that they depended primarily on people. The basis was the involvement of the Partners: owners of shops, warehouses and workshops who focused daily on maintaining their position on the market. Their sales teams, coordinators, trainers and marketing specialists received support from the network. At that time, the communication covered not only issues related to everyday operations, but also, for example, advice on functioning in the existing epidemic situation, restrictions, etc. Direct contact was greatly missed, but the relations were kept up thanks to online activities, such as webinars and training sessions. Some of the long-term projects were conducted offline, though in a modified form, e.g. the series of training sessions on “ProfiAuto Management Academy” or ProfiAuto Racing Cup.

 – The year 2020 was doubtlessly different than the previous ones. As a network of warehouses, shops and car workshops, we leave it full of strength and optimism. We proved ourselves in difficult situations, and we showed the power of communication and support when dealing with new circumstances. For us the priority was, is and will be the support for our partners and their clients – sums up Michał Tochowicz, Vice President of Moto-Profil.


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